Every year, Woodland High School’s Renaissance Club proudly hosts the "Freshman Red Carpet Ceremony," a beloved tradition that officially welcomes incoming freshmen into the Wolverine Family. This year’s ceremony, held with much anticipation and excitement, took on a special significance as the new freshmen class signed a symbolic commitment to their future.
As part of the ceremony, each freshman pledged to graduate in four years, signing a commitment that stated they would do whatever it takes to reach that milestone. This powerful act of dedication was just the beginning of their journey at Woodland High.
Following the signing, the freshmen had the unique experience of walking down a literal red carpet. As their names were called, upperclassmen filled the air with cheers, creating an atmosphere of encouragement and unity. The red carpet walk symbolized the freshmen’s official entry into the Wolverine Family, marking the start of their high school journey.
At the end of the red carpet, each freshman was met with a special moment—they signed a graduation robe that will be worn by the current principal at their graduation in 2028. This robe serves as a tangible reminder of their commitment and a promise of the bright future ahead.
After the red carpet ceremony, all students participated in a lively relay race designed to build camaraderie among the entire student body. With music playing in the background, both students and teachers joined in the fun, dancing and cheering as the games took place. This added element of celebration further strengthened the bonds within the Wolverine Family, ensuring that the new freshmen felt fully integrated into their new community.
The Freshman Red Carpet Ceremony is not just a celebration; it’s a rite of passage that brings together teachers, staff, and students in a shared commitment to the success of Woodland High School’s newest members. It’s a moment that signifies more than just the start of high school—it’s the start of their path to becoming proud Wolverines.
Congratulations to the Class of 2028! Welcome to the Wolverine Family—you are now officially Wolverines!