DD4 Board Members with WHS students behind them that scored a 100 on their EOC

The Dorchester School District 4 Board of Trustees held its monthly meeting on October 22, 2024, at Woodland High School. The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Phyllis Hughes, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. The board approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the September 17, 2024, meeting.

Public Forum

Detective Rich Wistoki spoke during the public forum, introducing "Besure Consulting," a company that provides training for School Resource Officers, schools, parents, and students to prevent school shootings. His presentation highlighted the use of cutting-edge software designed to enhance school safety.

Recognition of Student Achievements

Superintendent Jeff Beckwith, joined by Woodland High School Principal Mr. White, celebrated student successes by recognizing students who achieved a perfect score of 100 on one or more End of Course (EOC) exams from last school year.

  • Biology 1 EOC: Landon Robey, Dylan Shuler, Justice Pryor, Noah Green, Ryan Seunandan, Lucas Berry, Elias Dowell, and Dillon Smith

  • English 2 EOC: Viktors Abols, Ryan Seunanden, and Lilian Gray

  • U.S. History and Constitution EOC: Trinity Ramsey, Olivia Christiansen, Christian Adkinson, Miquel Rhodes, Jason Yang, and Reagan DeLong

  • Algebra 1 EOC: Elias Dowell, the only student to earn a 100 in Algebra 1

Each student was recognized and presented with a plaque by the Superintendent in honor of their academic excellence.

Everyday Hero Awards

The October "Everyday Heroes" were also honored during the meeting. This initiative highlights district employees who work behind the scenes, ensuring the schools operate smoothly. Each honoree received a certificate of appreciation and a commemorative coin from the Superintendent.

  • Ms. Lorraine Coates, Administrative Assistant in the Facilities and Operations Department, nominated by Mr. James Martin

  • Ms. Elixzina Breadmon, PowerSchool Coordinator in the Department of Assessment and Accountability, nominated by Mrs. Shelissa Bowman

Facilities and Operations Update

Mr. James Martin provided an update on several ongoing projects:

  1. Playground Renovations: Upgrades include one playground at Clay Hill Elementary, and three playgrounds each at Harleyville Elementary and Williams Memorial Elementary.

  2. Roof Repairs: High-priority gym roof replacements are underway at Williams Memorial and Harleyville Elementary, with roofing assessments ongoing across all schools.

  3. Repurposing of Furniture: The district has relocated furniture from St. George Middle School, moving library furniture to Harleyville Elementary as part of a larger effort to maximize the use of available resources.

  4. Other Projects:

    • Technology: Director Elijah DeLee is applying for the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program, which could provide up to $200 million for cybersecurity services and equipment over three years.

    • Transportation: New wide-angle bus cameras and upgraded hard drives will enhance video recording and safety.

    • Food and Nutrition: The district is actively working with vendors to replace aging kitchen equipment across schools.

    • Woodland Stadium: Recent improvements include a new sound system, LED lighting, and tinted press box windows to reduce heat and glare.

    • Harleyville Elementary Media Center: The media center is being renovated with repurposed shelving and tables from St. George Middle School, along with new furnishings and fresh paint to create an inviting space for students.

Finance Update

Mrs. Hutto provided a brief finance update, outlining the district’s financial status and budget planning.

Assessment and Accountability Update

Mrs. Shelissa Bowman delivered a detailed presentation on the district and school report cards, which were recently released. In her slideshow, Mrs. Bowman broke down the scores for each school, explained their significance, and outlined goals for improvement. She also highlighted where each of the district's schools aligned with the state averages across various categories. Mrs. Bowman expressed optimism about the future, noting that no schools in Dorchester District 4 were rated as "unsatisfactory" this year.

Exceptional Children Update

Mrs. Tudder, Director of Exceptional Children, reported on a $77,400 grant aimed at improving post-secondary learning for students with disabilities. The grant will fund real-world work experiences, and she hopes the district’s success with this year’s funding will lead to an even larger grant next year. Additionally, she announced the delivery of a new activity bus by the new year, purchased with Medicaid funds, to transport exceptional children to field experiences.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Beckwith provided updates on key district initiatives, including the iReady assessment program, which is helping students and teachers track growth, and the SchoolMint Grow software, which facilitates timely and meaningful teacher feedback. He also discussed PTA/PTO activities as requested during the previous meeting.

Executive Session

The board entered an executive session to discuss a hearing report, review booster finances, address personnel matters, and discuss a legal issue. Upon conclusion of the executive session, the meeting was adjourned.

For more information and approved board policies, visit the district’s website.