Clay Hill Elementary School brought holiday cheer to life with its inaugural Holiday Program, a heartwarming event that showcased the musical and theatrical talents of students and staff. Families and friends gathered to enjoy an afternoon filled with festive performances, marking a new tradition for the school.
Under the guidance of music teacher Mr. Mansilla, students from all grade levels serenaded the audience with beloved Christmas tunes. The joyful singing, a result of weeks of practice during music class, filled the room with holiday spirit and set the tone for the evening.
The highlight of the program was a special mixed-grade-level play inspired by The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. This lively performance captivated the audience with its humor and charm. A standout moment came when 3rd-grader Madelynne Davis delivered a stunning solo of “Where Are You Christmas,” leaving attendees in awe of her talent and emotional depth.
Adding to the excitement, the 4th and 5th graders dazzled the crowd with their singing and dancing performances, blending music and movement to bring an extra layer of energy and joy to the program.
The event concluded on a high note with a surprise performance by the CHES staff. Their spirited rendition of “The 12 Days of Christmas” had the audience laughing and singing along, creating a memorable and festive finale.
Clay Hill Elementary’s first-ever Holiday Program was a resounding success, leaving families, staff, and students filled with holiday cheer. It marked the beginning of a wonderful tradition, showcasing the school’s commitment to fostering creativity and community during this special time of year.